Lyndon Gommersall to speak at Staffordshire Moorlands Cancer Support Group

Lyndon Gommersall to speak at Staffordshire Moorlands Cancer Support Group

Mr Lyndon Gommersall, Consultant Urological Surgeon will be giving an update on urological cancers to the Staffordshire Moorlands Cancer Support Group on Thursday 17th November 2011. During this talk he will update patients on local innovations in the treatment of bladder , prostate and renal cancer care. Mr Gommersall and his colleagues in the Staffordshire Urology Clinics are at the forefront of delivering keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) for bladder, prostate and renal tumours. ‘We aim to provide the very best in the treatment of these diverse group of diseases’. Each cancer requires a specific set of surgical skills but the aim is to treat our patients with the technique that speeds up their recovery from treatment as quickly as possible but never compromising on the treatment of their disease.