Death rates from cancer in the UK are predicted to fall

Early salvage radiotherapy is not worse than adjuvant radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer

In an article by Brigantine et al, published in Eur Urol (2012), the authors look at whether adjuvant or salvage radiotherapy is best to achieve prostate cancer cure following radical prostatectomy. This matched case control study of 890 men showed no difference in treating pT3 disease immediately post radical prostatectomy (adjuvant), or treating a rising PSA above 0.2 but below 0.5 ng/ml (salvage). At 2 and 5 years post surgery PSA recurrence free rates were about 91% and 80% in both groups with no statistical difference. Salvage treating reduces the need to treat all high risk men and reduces the morbidity of unnecessary radiotherapy. This is probably the best published evidence addressing this question to date, but the results of a randomised trial is awaited.

Kidney stones are associated with increased risk of end stage kidney disease

In an article published in BMJ, Zimmerman et al report an observational study of adults living in Alberta, Canada, between April 1997 and March 2009 who were registered with the provincial health registry. Those who developed a kidney stone during this time (n=23 706) were compared with the rest of the population (n=3 065 488) for risk of developing end stage renal disease (ESRD). They reported that one or more stone episodes during the follow-up period was associated with an increased risk of ESRD (adjusted hazard ratio 2.16 (95% CI 1.79 to 2.62)). The number of individuals who developed ESRD in the entire cohort was 5333 (0.2%) compared with 129 (0.5%) in the kidney stone cohort.